Having a website is one step, managing your positioning on the internet and creating dialogue on social media is another one
Web 2.0 and social media have empowered Internet users to interact with companies, to express themselves and share their opinions, consequently they have also complexified companies’ task on the internet. The website is not anymore the only source of information online, thus companies have less and less control on their image. With social media your clients and your employees participate in your positioning on the web.
For a entrepreneur starting a business or for a well known company, there are many questions to answer and Taktik Communication can help you to find some answers thanks to its service of strategic analysis.
– Is the image that your company conveys on the internet consistent with the image you want to give ?
– Who are the person looking at your website and what is their consumer journey ?
– What are the expectations of the visitors ?
– In addition to your website, what are the other sources of information on your company ?
– What image do they convey about your company ? can you control or influence it ?
– How can you control your e-reputation and face the client reviews on the internet ?
– What is told about your company on social media ?
– What is the positioning of your competitors ?
– Who are the people who visit their website ? are they also visiting your website ?
– How could you differentiate and add value for internet users ?
– What strategy should you implement to optimize your positioning and get results?
The challenge is to get a clear positioning on the internet which is consistent with the reality, it should seem authentic and be confirmed by facts and by your clients.
Taktik Communication offers its services to companies for a strategic analysis of the positioning on the internet including :
– Evaluation of the strengths and the weakness of the web platform
– Identification of the visitors path* (origine, pages visited, time spent, etc.)
– Analysis of the keywords searched on search engine report
– Conclusions regarding the keywords analysis
*depending on the possibility to access the trafic analysis tools of your website.
– Comparison of the natural referencing,
– Comparison of the presence on social media
– Analysis of opportunities on social media
– Comparison of the reviews on website such as TripAdvisors, Yelp etc.
– Comparative analysis of copetitors’ website
Please contact us to evaluate your needs
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